Expensive Tastes 1978

neki sama Expensive Tastes 1978

Directed by: William Dancer
Studio: VCX Ltd., Inc.
Cast: Phae Burd, Daniel Egan, Fanie Essex, John Leslie, Ken Scudder, John Seeman, Joey Silvera, Eileen Welles, Elaine Wells
Description: "A handsome, well-bred and well-to-do stud picks up an unsuspecting young lady. The two go to his apartment where they are muscled by three hoodlums. Little does she know it's been a set-up!"
A young woman, is picked up over lunch by David. He seems to be the perfect mate: handsome, well-bred and wealthy! Follow us as Alex embarks on an adventure into the non-stop sex style of the Rich and Famous! David Gives Alex a taste for lavish spending in the pursuit of pleasure - Expensive Taste!
Scene 1. Chris Petersen, Eileen Wells, John Leslie, Joey Silvera, Ken Scudder
Scene 3. Eileen Wells, Joey Silvera
Scene 4. John Seeman, Pheary I. Burd
Scene 5. Eileen Wells, John Leslie, Joey Silvera, Ken Scudder, Pheary I. Burd